It is all too common for New Year’s resolutions to be set and within a few weeks be completely forgotten about. Too often gym memberships are cancelled or unused, the new shiny planner or calendar you invested in to get more organised stays in its film, or you quickly forget to ‘live life to the fullest’, as more often than not, life simply gets in the way. So, as you’re entering the new year and possibly scratching your head as to what changes you could put in place to truly make a difference, consider your employment situation.
Going into business by investing in a franchise is quite possibly the ideal solution for ambitious and driven creatives and entrepreneurs. Doing so gives you the ideal platform to constantly strive for ‘bigger and better’, and even helps other goals be achieved throughout the year and beyond. Empowering yourself to take on the challenge of investing in a franchise is investing in yourself as much as in a brand. The financial return is reflected in how much you commit and apply yourself, so the incentives are constantly renewing themselves and will help you see your situation change, evolve and ultimately improve.
“Going into business by investing in a franchise is quite possibly the ideal solution for ambitious and driven creatives and entrepreneurs”
With so many of us striving to take back control of our employment following a difficult and frustrating period for us all, now is the perfect time to join a network that gives you the resources to be your own boss. Franchising is the ideal route to achieve this, as using the trusted reputation of an established brand to forge your own path in business can often be the ‘golden ratio’ for success. As well as these resources, investing in a franchise that shares the same mission and values is invaluable, as the last 18 months have only confirmed the importance of supporting those around you throughout one of the most unprecedented periods in a generation.
It is this same unprecedented period that has now put us in a position where we are seeing the largest ever number of people displaced in the employment sector1. Whether it was voluntary or involuntary redundancy, the pandemic has been incredibly damaging for many of us, but it is in the face of adversity where we are given the opportunity to grow. With this in mind, 2022 looks primed to be the perfect year to invest in a franchise. Franchising opens the door for you to be your own boss and take control of your life and work-life balance, and it gives you the resources to build an empire – the sky truly is the limit.
Educational and extracurricular franchise services are more ready than ever to be boosted by recruiting passionate, devoted and visionary people into its networks. After such a long period of upheaval for those in education, the future has never been more uncertain. But that is not necessarily a bad thing! Giving kids the chance to realise their true passions through creative mediums and services has meant the future will be paved by the current generation of those demanding high-quality, fun and enriching extracurricular opportunities.
After being forced to stay at home during some of the most important years for children’s development, it is fair to say that these opportunities have been a long time coming. And the demand will only continue to grow. As we begin to work towards the future of education and business now that we are emerging from the pandemic, these opportunities should be seized with both hands by entrepreneurs and those looking to go into business. Living life to the fullest will ultimately become a tangible and achievable goal, as well as becoming more organised through the commitment and challenge you set yourself of making a success out of your business.
“Living life to the fullest will ultimately become a tangible and achievable goal”
Stagecoach gives business people, entrepreneurs, performers and other individuals the resources to build their own legacy from more than 30 years of trusted and valuable experience in both the franchise and education industries. Today, a network of more than 300 franchisees operates over 2,000 schools and classes in seven countries. As the world continues to return to some form of normality, now is the ideal time to write your own destiny and truly make a difference by joining the franchise industry.

“Stagecoach is one of the most internationally recognised performing arts schools in the world. Their brand position has placed me well in the local community – my schools are known as the best in the area, which has really contributed to the growth of my franchise,” – Matthew